Prairies – Meetings and Events

The regular monthly meeting for the Prairie Region will be moved from the Winnipeg Union Station to the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans Hall located at 300 – 1395 Ellice Avenue in Winnipeg effective with our meeting on February 13, 2019.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from September to June at the VIA Rail Boardroom in Union Station commencing at 10:15 a.m.  Please wait by the seats located next to the black door located east (The Forks side) of the VIA Ticket Counter for someone to let you in.

There will be a “pre-meeting” breakfast at the Pancake House in The Forks Market at 8:45 am for those who are available to join.  Note, however, that members who decide to go for breakfast will have to pay for their own meal.

Hoping to see you all there!


